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Visit our Events Page for up-to-date information on
upcoming seminars and workshops.
Smuk Chiropractic and Wellness Centre
37-3455 Harvester Road, Burlington, Ontario
L7N 3P2
633-9409 Fax (905) 633-4815
Spine, Body & Sole was established in 2001 and recently changed
its name to Smuk Chiropractic and Wellness Centre. We are a multidisciplinary natural health centre offering a range
of modalities. Please visit our services page for a full description of therapies.
Clinic Hours:
Monday to Thursday - 8.00 am to 4:00 pm
Susanne and Anne are available
on Fridays and Saturdays by appointment only.
Our Mission: To help as many people in our
lifetimes as we can - especially children!